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We believe in most cases our CFPS exam study materials are truly your best friend. On one hand, our CFPS learning guide is the combination of the latest knowledge and the newest technology, which could constantly inspire your interest of study. On the other hand, our CFPS test answers can predicate the exam correctly. Through highly effective learning method and easily understanding explanation, you will pass the CFPS Exam with no difficulty. Our slogans are genuinely engraving on our mind that is to help you pass the CFPS exam, and ride on the crest of success!

At ActualPDF, we are committed to providing candidates with the best possible Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) (CFPS) practice material to help them succeed in the Building Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) (CFPS) exam. With our real CFPS exam questions in Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) (CFPS) PDF file, customers can be confident that they are getting the best possible Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) (CFPS) preparation material for quick preparation. The NFPA CFPS pdf questions are portable and you can also take their print.

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NFPA CFPS Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Fire Suppression: This topic covers the knowledge of fire suppression systems, including routine maintenance, testing, and system design considerations. Fire protection consultants will be expected to demonstrate their ability to evaluate fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers and non-water-based systems, and ensure their proper functionality following codes and local policies.
Topic 2
  • Fire Prevention: Programs, Materials, Processes, and Environments: This topic assesses capability in identifying fire hazards and applying mitigation strategies to minimize risks in a community or organization. Fire protection consultants will be tested on their ability to conduct safety audits, provide fire hazard training, and recommend safety tools and equipment.
Topic 3
  • Safety in the Built Environment: This topic will test the knowledge and skills of Fire protection consultants in evaluating and ensuring the proper application of fire protection systems in various buildings. They must demonstrate their ability to analyze fire safety protocols, building systems, and regulations for compliance.
Topic 4
  • Detection and Alarm: In this topic, Fire protection consultants will need to demonstrate their expertise in the operational characteristics of fire alarm systems and detection technologies. They will be tested on their ability to apply relevant codes, inspect systems, and ensure compliance with safety standards.

NFPA Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) Sample Questions (Q161-Q166):

Computers and other information technology equipment are particularly susceptible to

  • A. special extinguishing agents.
  • B. light, hoselines, and airborn dust.
  • C. heat, steam, and combustion products.
  • D. foam, metal powders, and dry chemicals.

Answer: C

Computers and other information technology equipment are particularly susceptible to heat, steam, and combustion products, which can damage their sensitive components, cause data loss or corruption, and impair their functionality. Therefore, fire protection for IT equipment should consider the potential sources of heat, steam, and combustion products, such as electrical faults, flammable liquids, dust accumulation, water-based sprinklers, or smoke from adjacent areas, and implement appropriate measures to prevent, detect, and suppress fires, as well as to minimize the exposure of IT equipment to these hazards 1234. Reference: Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment; Fire Protection of Computer Rooms-Legal Obligations and Best Practices - ISACA; Exploring Requirements for Information Technology Equipment; Demystifying IT room protection requirements - Consulting.

Part of the definition of terrorism requires that such activity:

  • A. be preceded by a threat, warning, or previous similar event.
  • B. originate with an organized, recognized group.
  • C. be in furtherance of political or social objectives.
  • D. result in actual loss of life, injury, or property damage.

Answer: B

What are the extinguishing properties of a Wet Chemical Extinguishing system?

  • A. smothering and cooling action
  • B. Radiation shielding and chain breaking reaction
  • C. Chain breaking reaction and cooling action
  • D. Cooling action and radiation shielding

Answer: D

When conducting a needs assessment for a fire department, what term describes the level of harm associated with exposure to a fire or its effluent?

  • A. Hazard
  • B. Strategic Plan
  • C. Hazard Analysis
  • D. Risk

Answer: C

Probabilistic fire models are categorized into all of the following EXCEPT

  • A. simulation.
  • B. behavioral.
  • C. network.
  • D. statistical.

Answer: C

Probabilistic fire models are categorized into network, statistical, simulation, and behavioral models. Network models use graph theory to represent the fire spread and the fire protection system in a building. Statistical models use historical data and probability distributions to estimate the likelihood and consequences of fire scenarios. Simulation models use mathematical equations and numerical methods to describe the physical and chemical processes of fire and its effects on the environment and the occupants. Behavioral models use psychological and sociological theories to predict the human response and evacuation behavior in case of fire.
Network models are not a common category of probabilistic fire models, and they are not mentioned in the sources provided by the user. Therefore, network models are the correct answer.
References:Probabilistic Fire Simulation Assessment Using Simplified Model and Zone Modelling of a Kitchen Fire Scenario;Computer Fire Models for Fire Investigation and Reconstruction;Fire Behavior


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